Teen Ensemble

Teen Ensemble Members participate in a professional workshop environment taught by Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano, Artistic & Education Director. Going above and beyond what is offered in school drama classes, the year culminates in the Annual Teen Festival, an integral part of our season.

Plays chosen for the Festival offer age and experience appropriate roles, focusing on teen issues — identity, fitting in, being left behind, peer pressure, family, loss, depression, friendship, social media … Exploring relevant themes in a safe, creative environment encourages expression and helps develop tools to navigate through these years.

Advanced students are invited to become a Member of the Teen Ensemble after several semesters of study, demonstrating quality work and a positive, collaborative attitude. Invitations are sent in mid-August via email. Being a member of the ensemble and participating in these advanced workshops requires an exceptional commitment to our guidelines, a positive, collaborative attitude, and a dedication to attending the 90-minute weekly sessions.

Those who are interested and have not had several semesters of study in our Theatre School may audition and interview, once a year, in September.

Teen Ensemble
Level 1
Grades 7-9
$185.50 or discounted $345.50 for full-year registration

This challenging workshop sharpens Ensemble Members’ improvisation foundation while furthering the concept of “playing” the wants and needs of characters is applied through the creation of scenes. The continued emphasis on concentration, discipline and self-esteem is enhanced through collective and constructive assessment.

4:30-6:00 PM
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Level 2
Grades 9-11
$185.50 or $345.50 discounted for full-year registration

This challenging workshop focuses on bringing a character to life through an advanced exploration of text. Students progress in their abilities identifying and playing objectives (wants/needs),  breaking a scene into beats, and “listening and responding.” Ensemble Members also develop skills to analyze and critique dramatic work and suggest alternative artistic choices.  The continued emphasis is on concentration, discipline and self-esteem is enhanced through collective and constructive assessment.

6:00-7:30 PM
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Level 3
Grade 12
$185.50 or $345.50 discounted for full-year registration

This challenging workshop is for Seniors that have been a part of the Ensemble for at least 2 prior years.  The focus is ensemble and advanced techniques.  The continued emphasis is on concentration, discipline and self-esteem is enhanced through collective and constructive assessment.

7:30-9:00 PM
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